
“Talking about your pay with coworkers is grounds for corrective measures.” [RANT]

(for reference i work retail, i just need to let this out) how about you correct my fucking dick. fuck you for getting mad at the junior manager because YOU never trained her right, fuck you for trying to stop us from talking about pay with each other, fuck you for getting mad at me for asking for a raise, fuck you for not telling me when there was another junior manager position open even though you TOLD ME YOU WOULD, fuck you for getting defensive when one of our disabled coworkers complains about the conditions YOU put him through, and fuck the assistant manager (who i used to think was one of the cool managers) for taking your side. ive been at this store well over a year now, im the MOST versatile non-manager employee, fastest on the register, fastest learner, had nearly every aisle memorized (until you took…

(for reference i work retail, i just need to let this out)

how about you correct my fucking dick. fuck you for getting mad at the junior manager because YOU never trained her right, fuck you for trying to stop us from talking about pay with each other, fuck you for getting mad at me for asking for a raise, fuck you for not telling me when there was another junior manager position open even though you TOLD ME YOU WOULD, fuck you for getting defensive when one of our disabled coworkers complains about the conditions YOU put him through, and fuck the assistant manager (who i used to think was one of the cool managers) for taking your side. ive been at this store well over a year now, im the MOST versatile non-manager employee, fastest on the register, fastest learner, had nearly every aisle memorized (until you took me off of stocking), im ALWAYS willing to cover others' shifts, im even forklift certified, and this is how you treat me? you give the manager position to the girl who just got here not even a month ago even though ive been interested in that promotion for about a year now

and when i ask for a raise, you bitch to the junior manager (who is a close friend of mine) that you chew out every week? the one that the overnight manager yells at in front of customers constantly? you have the NERVE to try to act all buddy buddy with her, misgender me behind my back, and try to silence us? and you wonder why literally none of your associates like you, why everyone dreads coming in when youre on the schedule. youll be lucky that i even tell you that im quitting the day of, you dont deserve a fucking 2 weeks notice, you bootlicking motherfucker


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