
Taxing Billionaires to increase Defense Budget spending will just give it back to Billionaires

I'm all for a tax on Billionaires, but lets be real here. Taxing billionaires and then spending all of that money on defense contracts is just going to move the money to the hands of billionaires invested in the weapons industry. The only reason our oligarchs are making a stink about this is that they want it to be perceived as a “left” move. If America had a REAL “Left”, they wouldn't turn around hand all the money right back to our oligarchs. This is not to help anyone other than Raytheon and Lockheed Martin shareholders and executives. The next presidency the taxes will be removed, but the spending increases will stay in place. Lets remember that privately owned corporations propped up and supported by the government against the needs of the worker was one of the defining characteristics of Fascism in Germany, Italy and Spain. A government that's allowing…

I'm all for a tax on Billionaires, but lets be real here. Taxing billionaires and then spending all of that money on defense contracts is just going to move the money to the hands of billionaires invested in the weapons industry.

The only reason our oligarchs are making a stink about this is that they want it to be perceived as a “left” move. If America had a REAL “Left”, they wouldn't turn around hand all the money right back to our oligarchs.

This is not to help anyone other than Raytheon and Lockheed Martin shareholders and executives. The next presidency the taxes will be removed, but the spending increases will stay in place.

Lets remember that privately owned corporations propped up and supported by the government against the needs of the worker was one of the defining characteristics of Fascism in Germany, Italy and Spain. A government that's allowing all of the nation's capital to be held by a handful of oligarchs and then spending from their pockets to support programs that benefit those oligarchs is economically a fascist system.

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