
Tells boss I have to leave early some days because I have to be home for my kids.

Can’t afford 5 days a week of after school care so I said I need to leave every day at 2:15 to be home for them but I can work remotely. His face got pissed and said “oh that’s a huge problem”. After a few back and forths of me saying I’ve been able to do remote work for years and have been I decided to say fine I can technically afford 3 days of after care a week. It’s gonna be a stretch on my budget pretty bad though. Fast forward to this week and we’re down our weekend tech so low and behold guess who gets scheduled 8am-10pm Friday and Saturday and 8am-8pm Sunday. I say that I deserve more compensation because not only are those hours Insane even if I’m remote during them but also I worked 7:30-5 Monday through Thursday. Apparently though “I’m salary so it…

Can’t afford 5 days a week of after school care so I said I need to leave every day at 2:15 to be home for them but I can work remotely. His face got pissed and said “oh that’s a huge problem”. After a few back and forths of me saying I’ve been able to do remote work for years and have been I decided to say fine I can technically afford 3 days of after care a week. It’s gonna be a stretch on my budget pretty bad though.

Fast forward to this week and we’re down our weekend tech so low and behold guess who gets scheduled 8am-10pm Friday and Saturday and 8am-8pm Sunday. I say that I deserve more compensation because not only are those hours Insane even if I’m remote during them but also I worked 7:30-5 Monday through Thursday.

Apparently though “I’m salary so it doesn’t matter how many hours I work”

Oh so if that’s the case then I can work 8-2:15 on weekdays and not pay for daycare? Wouldn’t that make sense? Fuck no it doesn’t to a capitalist mindset. I’m putting my foot down now and if I’m expected to work weekends then my rate is double pay. No other techs are nearly up to my level at my job so good luck. I’m tired of getting squeezed just because I’m salary.

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