
Ten-Point Plan—or we burn it all down

We the people hereby demand the following: 1. Codify Roe v. Wade. 2. Pass a constitutional amendment guaranteeing the right to healthcare. 3. Invest billions of dollars into hiring de-escalation specialists/therapists in every PD in America. Require that they be present when the officers respond to any 911 call. 4. When/if a police officer kills a civilian, he is immediately placed on unpaid leave while an independent, third-party, non-partisan body investigates. 5. End qualified immunity. 6. Free daycare for all. 7. 1 year paid parental leave. 8. $20 minimum wage. 9. Wages rise with inflation. Every time prices rise 1.5%, wages do too. 10. Universal basic income for all. This list represents the floor, not the ceiling. But these are our demands. No more “vote blue no matter who.” No more “we can’t do anything because the Republicans won’t let us.” Until these demands are met, we strike. I’m not…

We the people hereby demand the following:
1. Codify Roe v. Wade.
2. Pass a constitutional amendment guaranteeing the right to healthcare.
3. Invest billions of dollars into hiring de-escalation specialists/therapists in every PD in America. Require that they be present when the officers respond to any 911 call.
4. When/if a police officer kills a civilian, he is immediately placed on unpaid leave while an independent, third-party, non-partisan body investigates.
5. End qualified immunity.
6. Free daycare for all.
7. 1 year paid parental leave.
8. $20 minimum wage.
9. Wages rise with inflation. Every time prices rise 1.5%, wages do too.
10. Universal basic income for all.

This list represents the floor, not the ceiling. But these are our demands. No more “vote blue no matter who.” No more “we can’t do anything because the Republicans won’t let us.” Until these demands are met, we strike.

I’m not saying don’t go to work Monday as I’m seeing others suggest. It takes more than a weekend on Reddit to organize a strike, and we don’t want to lose this momentum with a half-assed protest that just becomes fodder for the right wing . It’s going to take time, mutual aid, and of course sacrifice. I know not gonna be easy—I got bills to pay too, man. But it’s time to get organized. The goal is a full-on, all encompassing strike of society itself. Until these demands are met, we don’t work, we don’t pay rent, we don’t pay our bills, we don’t pay our student debt. We take to the streets and we fucking tear this system down.

I’m not saying we do it today or tomorrow. But if we start organizing now, we can get this off the ground. They cannot arrest all of us.

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