
Terminated for Listening to Podcasts/Music

Yesterday I was terminated from my job of two years for using the browser to listen to Podcasts/Music. I've seen other people do the same, even the office manager does. I always have one earphone in so I can hear what's going on around me. I've even mentioned to the office manager a few times how it helps me concentrate because the office noise (ya know, lights buzzing, etc.) makes me anxious. Never been told I shouldn't or to stop. If someone had then I would have. To preface this, my former boss is completely shady. He knowingly violated OSHA guidelines by not informing employees when someone in the office has tested positive. This caused at least two people to get sick. When a coworker became aware of this she was livid (rightfully so, she is immune compromised) and confronted the office manager. She brought it to the attention of…

Yesterday I was terminated from my job of two years for using the browser to listen to Podcasts/Music. I've seen other people do the same, even the office manager does. I always have one earphone in so I can hear what's going on around me. I've even mentioned to the office manager a few times how it helps me concentrate because the office noise (ya know, lights buzzing, etc.) makes me anxious. Never been told I shouldn't or to stop. If someone had then I would have.

To preface this, my former boss is completely shady. He knowingly violated OSHA guidelines by not informing employees when someone in the office has tested positive. This caused at least two people to get sick. When a coworker became aware of this she was livid (rightfully so, she is immune compromised) and confronted the office manager. She brought it to the attention of said asshole boss who claimed he was just following our particular county's mandates. He is an attorney – the fact he is claiming ignorance is bullshit. He was noticeably upset that he had been called out.

He also does not provide maternity leave. Pregnant women are expected to go on disability.

I am bipolar. I have tried to advocate for myself ie requesting simple accomodations like the option to WFH if I am having a mental health crisis that would make it impossible to compose myself at work. Never received a response.

I've also advocated for myself for knowing my worth. I was underpaid for what the tasks I was handling. When I was hired, it was on the condition that I'd be assisting one partner. Three months later, I was handling that partner and four associate attorneys. Same pay. He refused to discuss this until the end of year review.

This list could go on further. But I know the boss saw me as an issue but couldn't figure out a way to justify terminating me. My clients love me and the attorneys I assist all love me. I put in a lot of work.

He and another partner took me to an office. He claimed “this is the worst part of my job” while saying my browser history states I've been watching YouTube. I explained that I listen to podcasts because helps me concentrate.

He just kept stating “it's a unanimous decision” when I asked why I wasn't given a warning. Then, as if I didn't feel shitty enough, he claimed it was affecting my work performance. I've been doing this my whole time there and received a glowing review last year! I bill so many hours.

It was so humiliating. They hired a new person two months ago (who no one can stand but they're probably paying her less) so I am assuming that was in anticipation for firing me and having her assist all those attorneys. She was originally taking my overflow so I would be back to the amount I was assisting prior. Now they can save money by forcing her to be overwhelmed with work.

It just really hurts. I know it shouldn't. But I tried so hard and know I did really great work. And to gaslight me into thinking I didn't. My blood is still boiling. I am coming after them legally. But.. it really does hurt. $ is the bottom line everytime. Having a “yes man” (I'm female but you get the expression) employee is more valuable to them than someone who produces better work.

Probably will need to come back to edit as I'm in a bit of a state of anxiety and deep dread and despair. This country is awful. I am lucky enough that my parents will be able to help me a bit before I can get unemployment, a privilege many do not have. I just don't understand how someone can do to another person. For actual misconduct i would understand. Just fuck with my livelihood and gaslight me into thinking I'm the bad guy.

I know this isn't right but I hope something really bad happens to him.

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