
Tested positive for COVID, employer won’t pay me to self isolate and my GP won’t get me a sick not for covid

I literally just wanted a sick note until Tuesday because I can't stop coughing and I was physically sick last night twice from the coughing. My GP won't give me a sick note because it's COVID and I don't have to isolate, I wasn't asking about isolating I was saying I'm physically too sick to work. I'm a cashier and worked the whole pandemic to just not even be able to get a few days of sick. Even if the doctor did give me a note ssp is only what £96? Employer won't pay anyone any sick pay for COVID. So I'm going into work coughing and spluttering and very much contagious and miserable.

I literally just wanted a sick note until Tuesday because I can't stop coughing and I was physically sick last night twice from the coughing.
My GP won't give me a sick note because it's COVID and I don't have to isolate, I wasn't asking about isolating I was saying I'm physically too sick to work.
I'm a cashier and worked the whole pandemic to just not even be able to get a few days of sick. Even if the doctor did give me a note ssp is only what £96?
Employer won't pay anyone any sick pay for COVID.
So I'm going into work coughing and spluttering and very much contagious and miserable.

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