
Thank you

Thank you to this sub! I quit a job that was killing me to find my happiness. I now have the courage to tell people what I’m looking for and what I can offer them. I just started working for myself and though I’m not up to what I was making yet, I’m so much happier and less stressed. So thank you antiwork for giving me hope that I can find my happiness and that I can accept myself and what I can give instead of feeling guilt for not giving enough to my work.

Thank you to this sub! I quit a job that was killing me to find my happiness. I now have the courage to tell people what I’m looking for and what I can offer them. I just started working for myself and though I’m not up to what I was making yet, I’m so much happier and less stressed. So thank you antiwork for giving me hope that I can find my happiness and that I can accept myself and what I can give instead of feeling guilt for not giving enough to my work.

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