
Thank you everyone.

I've been unhappy in my job for a while now. My managers are friends with my colleague so he often disappeared for hours on end leaving me to do the work this happened for over a year. They kept employing people who didn't want to do the job and I ended up having to sort it out myself which normally ended up with me having to do the work. I asked for so many transfers only to be ignored by the higher upand of course there's a ton of other problems I can't really be bothered to type out But tonight was the final straw. I called my manager and said “i dont want to be here, I'm leaving and I probably won't be coming back.” Feelsgoodman.jpg Just want to thank everyone for your stories(good and bad) it really gave me the strength to finally say enough is enough and…

I've been unhappy in my job for a while now.

My managers are friends with my colleague so he often disappeared for hours on end leaving me to do the work this happened for over a year.

They kept employing people who didn't want to do the job and I ended up having to sort it out myself which normally ended up with me having to do the work.

I asked for so many transfers only to be ignored by the higher upand of course there's a ton of other problems I can't really be bothered to type out

But tonight was the final straw.

I called my manager and said “i dont want to be here, I'm leaving and I probably won't be coming back.”


Just want to thank everyone for your stories(good and bad) it really gave me the strength to finally say enough is enough and get some self respect in the process.

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