
That time I got a chemical burn because my manager didnt give two shits

I'll save you all a lot of breath, I am fine now, and ended up quitting a month after this, causing a mass-exodus and one of the stores to shut down for a few months. I'm still heated about the incident though. BUT I used to work for this one chain pasta restaurant. I wont give the name, but lets just say its a company well known for their noodles. Anywho, there was one night that I was cleaning my station, and I needed to get a bottle of grease lift. The grease lift was stored on a shelf that is about 8' in the air with our metal polish. The metal polish is petroleum-based. I went to grab a new bottle of grease lift, and moved a bottle of metal polish. This metal polish had been opened and put back up the shelf. So, in the process of moving…

I'll save you all a lot of breath, I am fine now, and ended up quitting a month after this, causing a mass-exodus and one of the stores to shut down for a few months. I'm still heated about the incident though.

BUT I used to work for this one chain pasta restaurant. I wont give the name, but lets just say its a company well known for their noodles.

Anywho, there was one night that I was cleaning my station, and I needed to get a bottle of grease lift. The grease lift was stored on a shelf that is about 8' in the air with our metal polish. The metal polish is petroleum-based. I went to grab a new bottle of grease lift, and moved a bottle of metal polish. This metal polish had been opened and put back up the shelf. So, in the process of moving it, I proceeded to spill this metal polish all down my left arm, all over the left side of my face and body, and it got all in my left eye. I immediately flushed my eye for a few minutes, and my manager poked her head around the corner and asked if I was okay. I didnt respond and she never followed up. The vision in my left eye ended up being blurry for the rest of the night. And, since the polish soaked into my bra and shirt, it ended up saturating my skin for about 3 hours.

I got home that night, and was in tears because I couldnt see and my skin burned. I took about a 20 minute shower and rinsed my eye thoroughly. I had a massive rash all down the left side of my body and had to throw out my clothes from that night (the smell would NOT come out). I ended up filing a workmans comp that night and going in to a doctor the next day. He said that I was okay, and there would be no lasting damage, but that I should have gone to the hospital after it got in my eye. My skin on the left side of my chest has bad eczema now, but other than that I have thankfully fully healed.

I made $10 an hour at that job.

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