
The 4 day work week is not a good enough goal. We need 3 days.

I don't want to spend the majority of my days in a week dedicated to LABOUR. I want the majority of my days to be occupied with gaming, friends, reddit ect. And I mean 3 days work for 5 days pay. This would be a net benefit for those greedy capitalists because less work hours improve productivity, as many studies have found out. The fact that capitalists expect us to be GRATEFUL for a 4 day work week shows how out of touch they are.

I don't want to spend the majority of my days in a week dedicated to LABOUR. I want the majority of my days to be occupied with gaming, friends, reddit ect. And I mean 3 days work for 5 days pay. This would be a net benefit for those greedy capitalists because less work hours improve productivity, as many studies have found out. The fact that capitalists expect us to be GRATEFUL for a 4 day work week shows how out of touch they are.

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