
The best company I’ve worked for in my industry is, ironically, the only company that didn’t bombard me with anti-union propaganda.

No one at this company has said a word about unionizing. I was not forced to sit through an hour long “WE DON'T NEED AN EVIL UNION AND HERES 10 REASONS WHY” bullshit presentation. I'm being paid more than I've ever been paid (by a long shot) for the same job I've been doing for years at other companies. My managers work with me and treat me with respect. I don't get a sob story or guilt trip when I ask for a day or two off, even on short notice. I can show up and work six hours or I can stick around for some overtime and work 10, it's completely up to me. I'm getting the best health insurance I've ever had for literally $4 a paycheck. My highest up manager personally confronts me WEEKLY to ask if I'm happy in the workplace and if there's anything he…

No one at this company has said a word about unionizing. I was not forced to sit through an hour long “WE DON'T NEED AN EVIL UNION AND HERES 10 REASONS WHY” bullshit presentation. I'm being paid more than I've ever been paid (by a long shot) for the same job I've been doing for years at other companies. My managers work with me and treat me with respect. I don't get a sob story or guilt trip when I ask for a day or two off, even on short notice. I can show up and work six hours or I can stick around for some overtime and work 10, it's completely up to me. I'm getting the best health insurance I've ever had for literally $4 a paycheck. My highest up manager personally confronts me WEEKLY to ask if I'm happy in the workplace and if there's anything he can do himself to make my life at work more enjoyable. I even get quarterly bonuses which is usually unheard of for my lower level position.

This company provides me higher pay, more freedom and flexibility regarding hours/scheduling/days off, and goes out of their way to provide an overall positive working environment for employees.

In turn, my current crew of co-workers are by far, the most productive and efficient team of co-workers I've ever had. We're happy with how we're treated, we're happy with our pay and benefits, we're happy with our management team so therefore, we show up to work and get shit done with no complaints.

Why are most companies unable to grasp this extremely simple concept of “Treat your employees well and they'll treat the company well”? This company is so justifiably confident in how they treat their employees that they don't need to fill their training modules and the break room with anti-union bullshit.

I wish more companies would get this memo.

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