
The burnout is real

I have been doing sales/cold calling for quite some time and desperately want to get out of it. The whole idea of us being a meritocracy is bullshit. I make about 50-70 calls a day/300 calls a week and any time I do have a good week, I feel like it's timing and luck in the sense that I caught someone at the right time where they actually needed our services. Makes me wonder why cold calling exists in 2022. That being said, I've had some interviews here and there but sometimes when I get out of work, I get too tired to work out, play video games, or apply for new jobs. Like I have a lot of movies, vinyl, video games, and a bass but many times I'm just too mentally exhausted to even use them. I know this is something I need to work on but the…

I have been doing sales/cold calling for quite some time and desperately want to get out of it. The whole idea of us being a meritocracy is bullshit. I make about 50-70 calls a day/300 calls a week and any time I do have a good week, I feel like it's timing and luck in the sense that I caught someone at the right time where they actually needed our services. Makes me wonder why cold calling exists in 2022.

That being said, I've had some interviews here and there but sometimes when I get out of work, I get too tired to work out, play video games, or apply for new jobs. Like I have a lot of movies, vinyl, video games, and a bass but many times I'm just too mentally exhausted to even use them. I know this is something I need to work on but the last thing I want to do when I'm off work is think about work. That just goes to show how mentally draining cold calling is.

What's even worse is the whole system of applying for jobs feels like it's rigged against you whether you're employed or unemployed. Like they say it's easier to get a job when you have one but yet you don't have time to interview. 2 months ago, I had an in person interview where I told them I could interview on Mondays and Fridays since most of my coworkers including my boss work remote so it's easier to sneak out of the office. Yet they schedule me in the middle of my lunch break which I had to sneak out of my office 10 minutes early to make the interview on time only for there to be a 10 minute gap between the 2 managers interviewing me causing me to get late and then they told my friend that referred me that they didn't hire me because I felt “rushed” during the interview when in reality, I had to get back to my job where I was almost 30 minutes late. It's a miracle my boss didn't get suspicious, let alone fire me. But what kinda gaslighting bullshit is that?

Anyways TL;DR, but I'm sick of working full time for mediocre pay only having to find supplemental income constantly (paid surveys and selling plasma twice a week) just so I can have money to enjoy life. I am by no means suffering and am thankful to have a savings but I also don't make enough to buy a house any time soon. Also, you shouldn't have to risk getting fired from your current job just to interview for a better paying one. Because what happens if you get fired and also don't get the job you interviewed for? Then you're truly fucked.

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