
The College Gatekeep.

So…month ago I posted how my colleague got hired instead of me. (long story short I was set up for failure) I finally worked up the courage to confront my manager about it. I told him I feel hurt, betrayed, back-stabbed. He started fancy word dances of course, I knew nothing would change, but YOU NEVER KNOW, so I tried and well…… nothing changed. So he started various BS arguments, throwing one after the other with of course ignoring my counter arguments: How “she has a different background”, I was like “um no, when she came here she knew nothing, me and colleague XY taught her everything, if you would have given me all the resources she had, I'd also be able to take care of these matters. I was set up to fail basically” “she was not hired for the same position as you were” ohhh… “maybe, but she…

So…month ago I posted how my colleague got hired instead of me. (long story short I was set up for failure)

I finally worked up the courage to confront my manager about it. I told him I feel hurt, betrayed, back-stabbed. He started fancy word dances of course, I knew nothing would change, but YOU NEVER KNOW, so I tried and well…… nothing changed.

So he started various BS arguments, throwing one after the other with of course ignoring my counter arguments:

  • How “she has a different background”, I was like “um no, when she came here she knew nothing, me and colleague XY taught her everything, if you would have given me all the resources she had, I'd also be able to take care of these matters. I was set up to fail basically”
  • “she was not hired for the same position as you were” ohhh… “maybe, but she was doing the exact same work like me so… :)”
  • “she was not hired through the same agency but aaaaahhh… uh… different kind of company” “no, I researched her company and it's an agency just like mine, maybe specializes in different stuff, but still the same”
  • and LAST BUT NOT LEAST “she has a minimum requirement you don't have – her education” …. “oh so I am dumb and can't do the same job as she does, despite doing it all the time. I can't learn anything she did? I taught her!” “but it's a requirement”

So here you go ladies and gentlemen, if you had family issues, trouble with life, was born into a shithole so you couldn't get a degree, then THERE WE GO, you are fucked because … just because 🙂 …despite proving yourself and being equally capable and THEY WITNESSED THAT YOU DO YOUR JOB WELL, you are fucked. If I was dumb and made mistakes 11 out of 10 times then sure, I would understand, but I tried my best, did my best and everyone was happy.

If this is not discrimination, what is?

p.s. this is in the Netherlands, suuuch a progressive country with progressive rights, or so I heard (not shitting on the country as a whole, just this aspect).

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