
The company fired our manager because all the employees joined us. Post a bit long but I would like you to tell me what you think or ask your questions…

I worked at an cellphone company (i will not say de name but is it logo is BLue) store and our manager made a lot of money from sales bonuses, we were paid relatively little by comparison. The company pampers the managers a lot, on one occasion they gave him a bonus of 2000 pesos for selling insurance in a week and we who were the salesmen, they gave us a pizza. And his treatment was very heavy, he always went out to eat for 2 to 3 hours, sometimes he didn't even come back, when he was in the store he yelled at us, he also made homophobic comments in front of a lesbian colleague, he talked about how “sexy” was another female colleague, she made us cover more time and also took away a rest day (taking into account that we were in a square that did not…

I worked at an cellphone company (i will not say de name but is it logo is BLue) store and our manager made a lot of money from sales bonuses, we were paid relatively little by comparison. The company pampers the managers a lot, on one occasion they gave him a bonus of 2000 pesos for selling insurance in a week and we who were the salesmen, they gave us a pizza. And his treatment was very heavy, he always went out to eat for 2 to 3 hours, sometimes he didn't even come back, when he was in the store he yelled at us, he also made homophobic comments in front of a lesbian colleague, he talked about how “sexy” was another female colleague, she made us cover more time and also took away a rest day (taking into account that we were in a square that did not have a large influx of people so that we all had to be there). He also walked through the areas that the cleaning lady had already mopped when you could well go around the area to avoid dirtying, but he said that she was nothing more than the “chacha” and that she had to scrub. As it was already very recurrent that he spoke without thinking, we began to record all his conversations without him knowing. We complained to his direct boss, and he only gave him a wake-up call, but continued with his attitude. We complained to HR and nothing happened. One day we decided to file a formal complaint with the conduct area of ​​the company, they took the statement from all the vendors and we sent the recordings as evidence, supposedly everything was confidential but if there were leaks, he found out ahead of time and wanted to scare us but already doing that we only had to resist. When they talked to him to investigate everything he did, he invented things about us but he didn't get much, they showed him the recordings and there he got angry because we violated his privacy according to him. It started in January of last year, in February it was the investigation, and on March 1st he was fired, he told us that it was a betrayal and more, but we are calm because we never lied, and we talked to him about his attitude and he did not change. we talked to his boss and he didn't change

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