
The company I work for is losing all 3 key team members in our department within 2 weeks at a critical time.

I've worked at the same company for over two years. My team members and I all started with the company within 5 months of each other RIGHT before the pandemic started and we work amazingly well together. We got the company through many difficult times over the course of the past two yeaes, often putting in 70-80 hours a week each to meet deadlines. We've been essential in implementing new software over the past year and a half, which is supposed to streamline many of our manual processes and allow more time for much needed analysis. Fast forward to implementation date and the team is told that once we get through the first quarter they are restructuring the department and the team is being split up and we are being assigned all new tasks.. No one in management thought to talk to any of us about splitting up the team,…

I've worked at the same company for over two years. My team members and I all started with the company within 5 months of each other RIGHT before the pandemic started and we work amazingly well together. We got the company through many difficult times over the course of the past two yeaes, often putting in 70-80 hours a week each to meet deadlines.
We've been essential in implementing new software over the past year and a half, which is supposed to streamline many of our manual processes and allow more time for much needed analysis. Fast forward to implementation date and the team is told that once we get through the first quarter they are restructuring the department and the team is being split up and we are being assigned all new tasks.. No one in management thought to talk to any of us about splitting up the team, or how we felt about restructuring the department. We have all been unhappy at our job for a while, (there have been MANY things going on at the company that have made us all want to quit the past year) but made the decision together to all stick it out because we were such a strong team. Well after we were informed we would be split up, we decided as a team once again that we would all start looking for new jobs and made sure we weren't competing with each other by applying at the same companies. We all 3 had some vacation time in March, and we all 3 took that time to do interviews and find other employment. Last Friday one of us had our last day, and this Thursday and Friday are mine and the other persons last day.

Not discussing such a huge change with the individuals directly involved has ultimately cost the company 3 key employees.

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