
The company that just fired me has no HR department?

(First time poster so sorry if the formatting is off.) I currently have Covid and I left work early on Tuesday because I have bad asthma problems and I was struggling to breathe correctly. I let my manager know that I needed someone to cover for me last minute, so my co worker had to pull a double to cover me. Fast forward to yesterday, and on the way to the doctor my manager called me and told me that she was terminating me because my co worker had to pull a double shift and that wasn’t okay and she didn’t want him to quit so she was going to let me go instead. Mind you I had talked to the co worker beforehand and he said he does doubles all the time and was fine with it. After my doctors appointment, I let her know I had Covid and…

(First time poster so sorry if the formatting is off.) I currently have Covid and I left work early on Tuesday because I have bad asthma problems and I was struggling to breathe correctly. I let my manager know that I needed someone to cover for me last minute, so my co worker had to pull a double to cover me.

Fast forward to yesterday, and on the way to the doctor my manager called me and told me that she was terminating me because my co worker had to pull a double shift and that wasn’t okay and she didn’t want him to quit so she was going to let me go instead. Mind you I had talked to the co worker beforehand and he said he does doubles all the time and was fine with it.

After my doctors appointment, I let her know I had Covid and got no response. I felt like this was a wrongful termination so I went to contact my company’s HR team. They messaged me back today and told me that they have no control over the hotel because it’s privately owned so the top dog is the owner of the hotel.

Well the owner of the hotel is so close with my old manager that he takes her on luxurious vacations even though they’re both married. So there’s no hope for me there.

Is it illegal for a company to have no HR? Is there anything I can do?

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