
The dark side of Denmark.

So since everyone in here seems to apperciate Denmark, and i do understand it! I also just wanna tell you guys about how life can be on the darkside of Denmark, if you come from “slums” In denmark, the Unions and the welfare system only works for the higher, middle and lower middle class, if your really low class there is no help from Denmark and your left to your self, (and i get it many will properly say its lies etc. But i dont care.) Secondly, i come from a “Nomade” family who lived in different cities etc. And lets just say my parents didnt treat me well. No one in Denmark could help me, no matter how much i begged both school, communes etc if my parents just lied, then everything was okay, when i left my parents at age 16, there was no help, and i had…

So since everyone in here seems to apperciate Denmark, and i do understand it!

I also just wanna tell you guys about how life can be on the darkside of Denmark, if you come from “slums”

In denmark, the Unions and the welfare system only works for the higher, middle and lower middle class, if your really low class there is no help from Denmark and your left to your self, (and i get it many will properly say its lies etc. But i dont care.)

Secondly, i come from a “Nomade” family who lived in different cities etc. And lets just say my parents didnt treat me well.

No one in Denmark could help me, no matter how much i begged both school, communes etc if my parents just lied, then everything was okay, when i left my parents at age 16, there was no help, and i had to live on the street until 20, i could search for some social benefits at age 18, but since i was homeless and living on the street and there by wasnt regoniced on any communes, i couldnt seek it.

I was lost in the system, sort of speak.

This went on for 2 years where i could come get some food/a check once in a while on one of the commune offices, and that was the help there was.

Its true that in Denmark we dont have many homeless, cause many of those that live on the streets are not even regonized in the system. And we praise Denmark as being good place, but its just funny that if that was the case, why is it not the danish goverment who take care of homeless? But instead homeless is left to NGOs like red cross, and kirkens korshær (danish NGO) etc who then run shelters for em!

With me personally i first got regonized in the system at age 20 again because i ended in Jail for “threatning” a commune employe, and was pretty much out of the system from i stopped shool at 14-15 and until 20 when jail regoniced me…

There was a series on TV 5-10 years ago, with other families like mine that was totally lost in the system. The so called “Nomade” families (other danes can validate) and it was pretty big problem all around Denmark, all from south Jutland to north Jutland to Fyn and to Sealand.

I had to leave Denmark, because my life was totally destroyed by System Denmark. Where your only regoniced if your in the system..

If you think Denmark take care of the lowest class, sorry your mistaken. If your “lucky” your get parked on “social benefits” the rest of your life,and your life is over.

Im not even sure why i write this, but im just so tired of seing post only appreace Denmark for the welfare system, when its really only a welfare system for the rich and the middle class!

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