
The Employment process is bullshit, and you know it.

Here I am, 22 F, straight A alumni needing to work between programs to survive, but the fact that you can't live unless you work Isa whole other rant. My rant today is that the Employment process these days is complete ass, and no one in my life let's me be pissed about it. Back in the day, you could go to a store, get an interview then and there, and you're hired! What a fucking fantasy that is now. I've been trying to get a job for months. I have plenty of experience, good references, ect, and nothing. Why? Because the process is screwed and only serves the already employed. Day after day you send in resumes online, on the billion sites for job postings or directly on a companies website. But what happens to it after that? Your application is sent through a computer that picks out specific…

Here I am, 22 F, straight A alumni needing to work between programs to survive, but the fact that you can't live unless you work Isa whole other rant. My rant today is that the Employment process these days is complete ass, and no one in my life let's me be pissed about it.

Back in the day, you could go to a store, get an interview then and there, and you're hired! What a fucking fantasy that is now. I've been trying to get a job for months. I have plenty of experience, good references, ect, and nothing. Why? Because the process is screwed and only serves the already employed. Day after day you send in resumes online, on the billion sites for job postings or directly on a companies website. But what happens to it after that? Your application is sent through a computer that picks out specific words, it's unlikely your application ever be seen by an actual employer, and even if it is, they have a 5 second look over and you're forgotten about. No one on this earth is going to spend their time tweaking their resume for every job position hoping it is caught by an algorithm. What even is the point of spending your time researching an employer and writing an exceptional and individualized cover letter when it's not even going to be read? There isn't one, except for the fact that MAYBE someone MIGHT see it for 2 seconds and think “yeah they went out of their way to do this”. Not to mention the fact that you spend SO MUCH TIME filling out application templates required for online job listing when all of that information is literally a copy of your resume. It is absolutely mind boggling how much time we're supposed to put into getting a job when not even an eight of our time is matched by employers. An no, I'm not being pessimistic, I'm not being dramatic, I'm not making excuses. I didn't just pull these ideas out of my ass. I've done those stupid employment programs where you're basically taught how to get hired, and ALL of them will tell you this is how it works. “you just have to play the system”. How about… This horrible system is actually reformed, so people have a fighting chance. Do you know how discouraging it is to apply to a job that shows you how many other applicants have applied. We're not people anymore, we're pawns ready to be picked.

Don't even get me started on the number of “entry level” positions that actually require years of experience. Or the numerous postings that have minimal information necessary to make a decision on our side, like location or wage.

It's so dumb that we have to write out these great applications barring any common words like “hard working” and “detail oriented” WHEN THAT'S LITERALLY ALL THAT'S WRITTEN IN JOB POSTINGS

how is it unprofessional to ask about a wage in an interview, that's the ONLY reason people work jobs) not careers) is because we need to survive, and to survive you need money. I didn't choose your specific company over competitors because this that or the other reason, you know that, I don't have a choice but to work.

It's all so dumb. I could go on forever.

Update – my recruiter has finally responded, and the job is so far from me, yay for an hour + of bus riding to another city at 5 am because I have no other choice, woohoo

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