
The Entire US Healthcare System is a joke.

This is a bit of venting, but of back story first: I was able to switch jobs recently to something with better pay and benefits after telling my other employer to shove it after not giving my an adequate pay raise. Since healthcare is tied to employment in this country, I switched insurances. Now I won't go into specifics but currently I take a life saving medication, that my new insurance needs prior authorization on after I looked at their Drug Formulary List. I knew I needed the authorization so I began the process three weeks ahead of time, so that I did not run out of medication and it would be a smooth transition. Three weeks, of calling my doctors office to tell them of the insurance switch and a needed authorization. Three weeks, of calling the insurance company to initiate the process so they know ahead of time.…

This is a bit of venting, but of back story first:

I was able to switch jobs recently to something with better pay and benefits after telling my other employer to shove it after not giving my an adequate pay raise. Since healthcare is tied to employment in this country, I switched insurances. Now I won't go into specifics but currently I take a life saving medication, that my new insurance needs prior authorization on after I looked at their Drug Formulary List. I knew I needed the authorization so I began the process three weeks ahead of time, so that I did not run out of medication and it would be a smooth transition.

Three weeks, of calling my doctors office to tell them of the insurance switch and a needed authorization.

Three weeks, of calling the insurance company to initiate the process so they know ahead of time.

Three weeks, of follow up with no answers.

Yesterday, the prescription goes out, and I call the pharmacy to check the status and what do they tell me? That my medication, that I am now out of, needs prior authorization before insurance will cover it. Oh and that they’ll only cover it after a deductible so most of it is out of pocket. $600+ dollars for a refill.

I call today, and both offices are closed, so I’m shit out of luck until Monday.

All of it, the entire system is a fucking joke. From the doctor's offices that don't take an interest in your care since it's not going to be profitable. All the way up to the insurance companies offloading as much cost of care to their members as possible. To the damn politicians that keep the status quo going for campaign contributions and who knows what else. I despise it. I'm doing fairly well in my life with a decent wage that I fought for, and I despise this system. No one should be in this position especially in the most productive country in the world that just loves to spout about freedom. I'm just so fucking angry. Not for me, I'll get my medication one way or another. I'm angry for everyone else. We deserve better, every single one of us. We need better.

I'll end this with just one tidbit I heard a while back. The system is not broken, it's working exactly how it should be. When profit is the motive, enough profit will always outweigh the value of a human life. Always.

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