
The epitome of the great resignation *rant

TLDR:shitty work places make us quit, I left one to go into another, don’t put up with the BS, you know your worth. To me the vast movement of resignations was because of the abhorrent work conditions people endure, and how covid changed the workers perspective in life to demand dignified work for fair wage. Antiwork sub is many strange things like communist socialist unrealistic utopia stuff that I disagree with, but I think many like myself joined this sub because of what I said above. I left my last job feeling that way, found a new better paying job in my targeted field in what seemed to be the rare case of a non-toxic environment in a field where a hazing of toxicity is the norm. Seemed. Now at month 11 with this job and the manager, who seemed like a decent person, has finally showed true colors. It…

TLDR:shitty work places make us quit, I left one to go into another, don’t put up with the BS, you know your worth.

To me the vast movement of resignations was because of the abhorrent work conditions people endure, and how covid changed the workers perspective in life to demand dignified work for fair wage.

Antiwork sub is many strange things like communist socialist unrealistic utopia stuff that I disagree with, but I think many like myself joined this sub because of what I said above.

I left my last job feeling that way, found a new better paying job in my targeted field in what seemed to be the rare case of a non-toxic environment in a field where a hazing of toxicity is the norm. Seemed.

Now at month 11 with this job and the manager, who seemed like a decent person, has finally showed true colors. It was gradual, but over time as the “be nice to the new hire” wore off; the yelling, and insulting, and condescending, and demeaning, and the double standards, and the projection, and the reflection of the industry toxicity has finally revealed itself.

This guy is a classic dick, pretty much a bully.

We have meetings and he always unprofessionally demeans and insults everyone on stupid small things. He’s now regularly busting my balls for minor shit, it’s so unnecessary. When I got hired I heard that 4 people quit before I arrived, and while I’ve worked there 2 people have quit. I remember overhearing the managers talking amongst themselves wondering why people are quitting. LOL the problem literally has one common denominator, everyone whose quit works under the same guy.

Hired with their understanding that I’m new to the industry, it was well understood that I didn’t know much but will be trained on the job.

What started off as friendly training quickly morphed into some boot camp drill sergeant shit, despite the fact that numbers show im literally improving every day. I even matched times with an old timer.

So now about 80% of interaction is delivered yelling rudely and insultingly. Straight verbal abuse.

Well, “nice apprentice” time is over. I’m not a push over, and if someone fucks with me I have to act or else I’ll probably develop some mental illness. Ive kept my head down for now but this will end soon after my 1 year evaluation.

I’ve spent enough time in this world to garner respect from peers wherever I’ve gone, turning bad relationships into mutual respect. I’ll have to do it again here, but it’s the first time I have to do it with a manager. I’m either going to set myself up to get fired, forced to quit, or this person changes. I don’t see any other sustainable way.

Moral of the story, never accept bullshit. Most everyone is underpaid, under appreciated, exploited and abused. Fuck that.

Advice or sharing your experience is very welcome

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