
The Great Resignation and Public Education in America

I am a public school teacher in the US. I spent 11 years at my previous school. It wasn't the greatest place to work, but there weren't many openings in my area for my certification, so I stayed. I had tenure. I was established. I was comfortable enough. Then, the plague happened. I won't go into detail because everybody knows how awful life has been for teachers over the past two years. We are definitely a group that joined in The Great Resignation. All of the teachers who could retire did. A lot of teachers changed careers altogether. And, those of us who wanted to leave shitty jobs were finally able to do so. I was the first teacher from my former district to jump ship. I was not the last. One of the teachers who left is in a certification area that is very difficult to replace. There was…

I am a public school teacher in the US. I spent 11 years at my previous school. It wasn't the greatest place to work, but there weren't many openings in my area for my certification, so I stayed. I had tenure. I was established. I was comfortable enough.

Then, the plague happened. I won't go into detail because everybody knows how awful life has been for teachers over the past two years. We are definitely a group that joined in The Great Resignation. All of the teachers who could retire did. A lot of teachers changed careers altogether. And, those of us who wanted to leave shitty jobs were finally able to do so.

I was the first teacher from my former district to jump ship. I was not the last. One of the teachers who left is in a certification area that is very difficult to replace. There was one other teacher in the district who was also in that certification area. The district was unable to replace the teacher who left. Now, the teacher who stayed with that certification is teaching twice the classes. The district couldn't even find a long-term sub to fill the position. I'm sure the remaining teacher is getting some kind of stipend for teaching twice the number of classes, but I doubt she is getting the full salary of the teacher who left.

For years teachers have been telling society that we need better pay and better working conditions. For years, society has been telling us that we need to just do it for the kids, that we need to be martyrs for our profession, that we're in it for the outcome not the income. Yeah, it's all bullshit. If things don't change soon, we will have an even more uneducated population.

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