
The great resignation just now hitting Australia The great resignation just hitting Australia. lol ;p Puhleez some of us knew the writing on the wall the moment we got out of highschool and were offered like $5 a fortnight on social support to 'encourage us' into the workforce; to be later re-enforced by the liberal agenda of building in suffering to welfare to 'encourage' people off of it. People weren't there cause of choices, and giving them less choices (and designing to keep them in poverty or below) made their only ones less and less viable. Let me tell you with everyone taking a stagflation hit to their pay packet and rising cost of living pressures even if they bring in a literal f^%$ton of immigrant workers; with how divorced from reality our system is with how much capital is tied up in the 'too big to fail' real estate bubble; shit is going to really…

The great resignation just hitting Australia. lol ;p Puhleez some of us knew the writing on the wall the moment we got out of highschool and were offered like $5 a fortnight on social support to 'encourage us' into the workforce; to be later re-enforced by the liberal agenda of building in suffering to welfare to 'encourage' people off of it.
People weren't there cause of choices, and giving them less choices (and designing to keep them in poverty or below) made their only ones less and less viable.

Let me tell you with everyone taking a stagflation hit to their pay packet and rising cost of living pressures even if they bring in a literal f^%$ton of immigrant workers; with how divorced from reality our system is with how much capital is tied up in the 'too big to fail' real estate bubble; shit is going to really hit the fan soon (especially with multiple rate rises forecasted on a massively overdrawn public).

I think people standing up and admitting their position in life is untenable is going to be the least of Australia's problems. Great resignation indeed. lol Media too gutless to call it what it is 'a workers rights movement boycotting exploitation' at the crumbling drawn out demise of capitalism.

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