
The higher ups are so damn out of touch. Sort of a rant.

I'm honestly baffled. Like, I knew it was true. But I didn't know HOW true. My last post here about a month and a half ago here, I posted how I was putting in my 2 weeks at my gig in the Restaurant Industry, corporate office. I'm happily at my new job, and today had lunch with my old gossip buddy. “Now that you don't work here I can tell you the real juicy stuff” she said. By “real juicy stuff” she meant numbers. The COO of the company – not the owners (aka the founders' children) – The COO's bonus was almost HALF A MILLION DOLLARS for 2021. This is the same company that did not give me a raise last year. This is the same company who is about to have a meeting between all the higher-ups because their best Bookkeeper wants to be at $25 an hour,…

I'm honestly baffled. Like, I knew it was true. But I didn't know HOW true.

My last post here about a month and a half ago here, I posted how I was putting in my 2 weeks at my gig in the Restaurant Industry, corporate office. I'm happily at my new job, and today had lunch with my old gossip buddy. “Now that you don't work here I can tell you the real juicy stuff” she said.

By “real juicy stuff” she meant numbers.

The COO of the company – not the owners (aka the founders' children) – The COO's bonus was almost HALF A MILLION DOLLARS for 2021.

This is the same company that did not give me a raise last year.

This is the same company who is about to have a meeting between all the higher-ups because their best Bookkeeper wants to be at $25 an hour, and they're most likely going to try to settle with her at $23 an hour.

This is the same company who doesn't understand why people don't want to come to the office to work, who's constantly trying to lower costs and what they pay people, who have private expensive ass parties for people who are retiring.

You can't take a LITTLE less bonus to make this place worth it for some of the people?

I've had conversations with these people. They are just so well off in life they cannot fathom how other people are not doing at least okay. Like, it's literally unbelievable to them and they just cannot understand it.

Sorry for the rant, but I'm so glad I'm done with that place while being so sad at the same time for the people I left behind. I'm happy for that Bookkeeper. I'm proud of her for asking for what she deserves. I wish everyone there would do the same.


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