
The interviewer didn’t read my resume

I went to a job interview a few months ago and the person interviewing me didn’t read my resume or cover letter. And he forgot my name three times. He had to ask me what my name was three times. Then when I told him I wasn’t pursuing more school yet because I didn’t feel ready he called me “unconfident.” He was super condescending and said they could “maybe try to” teach me the position. They really emphasized this, like I wouldn’t be able to learn it. It was for insurance verification. Now I would be new at this, but I have dealt with insurance in the past and my GPA/educational history definitely indicate I’m capable of learning. This was a while ago and I have since found a job (not with them). I was just thinking about it and how thankful I am for not ending up with another…

I went to a job interview a few months ago and the person interviewing me didn’t read my resume or cover letter. And he forgot my name three times. He had to ask me what my name was three times. Then when I told him I wasn’t pursuing more school yet because I didn’t feel ready he called me “unconfident.” He was super condescending and said they could “maybe try to” teach me the position. They really emphasized this, like I wouldn’t be able to learn it. It was for insurance verification. Now I would be new at this, but I have dealt with insurance in the past and my GPA/educational history definitely indicate I’m capable of learning.

This was a while ago and I have since found a job (not with them). I was just thinking about it and how thankful I am for not ending up with another asshole boss.

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