
The job search is a dehumanising and demoralising experience

Hey guys just wanted to vent and share my insights on job searching in 2022. Bit of background, I was fired from a miserable, toxic job 2 years ago. And I’ve been job searching ever since. My experience has made me very selective about which jobs I apply to so obviously this affects my experience. However I have lost count of the jobs I’ve applied to now. I’ve had various in person interviews, virtual interviews, I’ve had terrible offers, ghosting, rejection, every possible thing you could imagine. I’m still unemployed. My confidence as one would expect, has been absolutely crushed into dust, so much that it’s probably non existent at this point. I don’t feel like a human being I feel like an application and a number to employers. To the point where if I got offered a good job now I would feel no excitement or anything whatsoever. The…

Hey guys just wanted to vent and share my insights on job searching in 2022. Bit of background, I was fired from a miserable, toxic job 2 years ago. And I’ve been job searching ever since.

My experience has made me very selective about which jobs I apply to so obviously this affects my experience.

However I have lost count of the jobs I’ve applied to now. I’ve had various in person interviews, virtual interviews, I’ve had terrible offers, ghosting, rejection, every possible thing you could imagine.

I’m still unemployed. My confidence as one would expect, has been absolutely crushed into dust, so much that it’s probably non existent at this point. I don’t feel like a human being I feel like an application and a number to employers. To the point where if I got offered a good job now I would feel no excitement or anything whatsoever. The bitterness and resentment runs too deep.

I don’t know what to do, or where to go. I have no family members or friends with connections. My experience is solid, and I’m well educated also. Yet here I am, being rejected from the most mind numbing, depressing, god awful entry level jobs imaginable.

What a wonderful world we’ve created.

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