
The look on his face was worth it

I used to work at this company, I had a really shitty boss , he would always give you hell if you were late , even one minute late , he would write you up. We all hated him , he was always looking for a reason to write us up , one time I needed to go to the hospital, I had a ruptured appendix and I was visibly in pain , and I told him I needed time off , he said a little tummy ache is not enough reason to skip work , In that moment I knew I had to quit , these companies do not care about our health, they just need worker bees to keep making money for them and giving us scraps , I quit that day (this was 2 years ago ) , I started earning on my own , last year…

I used to work at this company, I had a really shitty boss , he would always give you hell if you were late , even one minute late , he would write you up. We all hated him , he was always looking for a reason to write us up , one time I needed to go to the hospital, I had a ruptured appendix and I was visibly in pain , and I told him I needed time off , he said a little tummy ache is not enough reason to skip work , In that moment I knew I had to quit , these companies do not care about our health, they just need worker bees to keep making money for them and giving us scraps , I quit that day (this was 2 years ago ) , I started earning on my own , last year I made over $400k without tax , I saw my ex boss a few days ago , felt good stepping down from my AMG G 63 to say hi to him

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