
The majority break their bodies in a lifetime of hard work, just so the 1% can rest in comfort. Antiwork is a way of taking back the leisure which was stolen. This is why I respect this movement.

Just a thought I wanted to put on here. I'm sure it's common here but it's a new route for me. The majority do back breaking work for hardly any pay. They hope to earn enough to relax at retirement, but can't enjoy it. The price was the expense of their youth. They may get a holiday, or RV trip, but will likely be too tired to really enjoy it. Many will break down before they are lucky to even reach retirement. This is so a rich man lives leisurely the entire time. The body can only take so much. Many of us have hands that hurt, backs that go out, knees that can hardly hold our frames. Scars and failed love lives from too many hours at the clock. I respect those brave enough to refuse work. They are only asking for a balanced scale. That everyone can have…

Just a thought I wanted to put on here. I'm sure it's common here but it's a new route for me.

The majority do back breaking work for hardly any pay. They hope to earn enough to relax at retirement, but can't enjoy it. The price was the expense of their youth. They may get a holiday, or RV trip, but will likely be too tired to really enjoy it. Many will break down before they are lucky to even reach retirement. This is so a rich man lives leisurely the entire time.

The body can only take so much. Many of us have hands that hurt, backs that go out, knees that can hardly hold our frames. Scars and failed love lives from too many hours at the clock.

I respect those brave enough to refuse work. They are only asking for a balanced scale. That everyone can have a bit more time to relax and feel comfortable. Yet the rich are tedious and make it hard to release their grasp.

Sometimes you have to take bread and I respect that.

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