
The minimum vacation allowed by law

I used to live in Canada. Unlike the States they have a minimum of 2 weeks vacation for full time workers. If you have a full time job for 5 years the minimum goes up to three weeks. So when I hit 5 years at my first (low paying) job my manager took me aside and gave me this big speech about what a valuable employee I was and how hard I worked. It had not gone unnoticed, and so as a reward I was getting a bump to 3 weeks vacation. This was so much worse that nothing being said. All I could think was ” I've worked so hard that you're going to give me the minimum amount of vacation allowed by law”. I learned a lot about how to be a good supervisor by that shitty boss.

I used to live in Canada. Unlike the States they have a minimum of 2 weeks vacation for full time workers. If you have a full time job for 5 years the minimum goes up to three weeks. So when I hit 5 years at my first (low paying) job my manager took me aside and gave me this big speech about what a valuable employee I was and how hard I worked. It had not gone unnoticed, and so as a reward I was getting a bump to 3 weeks vacation. This was so much worse that nothing being said. All I could think was ” I've worked so hard that you're going to give me the minimum amount of vacation allowed by law”. I learned a lot about how to be a good supervisor by that shitty boss.

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