
the movie In Time

I know the topic is a bit random but hear me out. for amyone who hasnt seen it the basic premise is this, in the future they learned how to stop people from aging once their 25 and they get a 1 year countdown that if it hits 0 you die. you can theoretically live forever now time has replaced money in this world you get paid in time and buy things with time movie example 4 minutes for a cup of coffee. ​ Anyway, early in the movie we see how the price of inflation and low wages are causing people to fall over dead. alot of movie stuff happens The movie ends>! with the people with thousands of years having their time stolen and spread out among the masses.!

I know the topic is a bit random but hear me out.

for amyone who hasnt seen it the basic premise is this, in the future they learned how to stop people from aging once their 25 and they get a 1 year countdown that if it hits 0 you die. you can theoretically live forever

now time has replaced money in this world you get paid in time and buy things with time

movie example 4 minutes for a cup of coffee.

Anyway, early in the movie we see how the price of inflation and low wages are causing people to fall over dead.

alot of movie stuff happens

The movie ends>! with the people with thousands of years having their time stolen and spread out among the masses.!<

and guess what their is enough for everyone to be decently off.

so why cant we do something similar and spread the wealth for a healthier economy all together?

I for one am so sick of struggling to be able to take care of my kids(and i know im better off than a lot of others) so some rich twat can buy another super yacht or other unnecessary luxury.

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