
the never ending cycle of shit jobs

You work in a kitchen to get away from customer service, but you're surrounded by some of the most vile people the whole time. You work at an office to be able to sit down, but never have time off to run around. You work as a cashier because you like people, but you're treated as a thing rather than a being. You don't have a degree yet so you can't get any fancy job, but you need a job to get through said degree. It makes you feel like shit. I'm currently in a position where if I leave at my scheduled time I'll be fired. But the coworker that showed up 1.5 hours late gets no consequences. It would be perfect if it wasn't for that and for the “you may not tell men who harass women in the store to go away rule”. Yes, I a cashier…

You work in a kitchen to get away from customer service, but you're surrounded by some of the most vile people the whole time.

You work at an office to be able to sit down, but never have time off to run around.

You work as a cashier because you like people, but you're treated as a thing rather than a being.

You don't have a degree yet so you can't get any fancy job, but you need a job to get through said degree.
It makes you feel like shit.

I'm currently in a position where if I leave at my scheduled time I'll be fired. But the coworker that showed up 1.5 hours late gets no consequences. It would be perfect if it wasn't for that and for the “you may not tell men who harass women in the store to go away rule”. Yes, I a cashier cannot protect my customers, if I do I can be fired.

I just feel like shit. I need money and I hate that I do.

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