
… The old, Got Ya By The Balls < - > Switcharoo!!!

Last Monday I left my job. Normally I would have had something lined up or at least have sent out resumes first. But this was different, I had to just drop and go for the sake of protecting my own person, health and sanity; not to mention save my hair before it's all gone for instance. What started out as one of the most amazing smaller offices because of their corporate atmosphere with a few small red flags at first eventually disintegrated and descended into chaos and one of the most toxic, use and abuse methodologies I've ever seen deployed in a corporate setting like that! Here's just a few snowflakes of an iceberg of what the fuck for why I eventually left with such haste. When I was hired I was promised benefits (which he said they didn't have yet because they were just starting out but they're on…

Last Monday I left my job. Normally I would have had something lined up or at least have sent out resumes first. But this was different, I had to just drop and go for the sake of protecting my own person, health and sanity; not to mention save my hair before it's all gone for instance. What started out as one of the most amazing smaller offices because of their corporate atmosphere with a few small red flags at first eventually disintegrated and descended into chaos and one of the most toxic, use and abuse methodologies I've ever seen deployed in a corporate setting like that!

Here's just a few snowflakes of an iceberg of what the fuck for why I eventually left with such haste. When I was hired I was promised benefits (which he said they didn't have yet because they were just starting out but they're on the way soon, okay fair enough I thought), a job description as he didn't have one for me specifically right then because what I applied for and what I was hired for were very different after my interview, he also said that they won't supply a company phone and we have to use ours to be able to do work on site or in the office… “Okay but you'll have the option instead then to pay me to use my phone, storage and data though right? I asked… He immediately retorted with “no because no one really ever complains that what we use for work makes their data plans go over.” ……. 🤔

Eventually what I learned is that every single thing I was promised was a complete lie in my interview. We were given nothing but garbage resources if anything at all and expected to do absolutely everything, which we did and we were gaining a lot of success because we as staff are so good at our jobs. The day I left he finally gave our office manager a new computer (our offices technology has only ever been hand-me-downs that he takes away from his children when we need something) and her new computer they were seting up that morning was yet another hand-me-down piece of shit from his families home, hired a student which was great for him because I could hear him say he was still on his parents' benefits plan so that doesn't matter, even 2 years later had still never given any of his staff benefits (even though 2 of his 6 employees not including the new student that day are pregnant), he still never even finished my probation meeting conversation 2 years after being hired which I was waiting daily to continue and complete btw, and still even to that day had never even given me a job description! Among hundreds of other factors that were pulling up not just by the month but by the hour at that point. Sometimes, when I would talk between my office manager and myself she would try to make me feel better by letting me know that I'm not the only one that doesn't have a job description… as if that's proper and made me feel better at all. I eventually learned that he clearly has no respect in any way for the people doing everything for him while being given essentially no support in any form to do it all while riding off of our backs for as much free corporate anything's he can get along the way for as long as he can. Now I know how clear it is that he has no actual idea how to run that kind of company nearly as well as he thinks he is in his head. I still think to myself about my old GM A is that just because you used to know how to run seismic projects in the '80s doesn't mean you know how to run and also make money with this kind of local construction/restoration company in the 2020s! Even with silly nonsense stuff like I was hourly the entire time even though I should have had a very different pay structure for the level of work and the kind of work that I did there.

Now, I have him by the balls! Within a matter of 24 hours I went from being a slave with no benefits that's not allowed to get sick or else or have looks on my face or else he'll get in another fight with me again – to working from home solely on my own terms and conditions for the rest of Summer. Only reason I'm still helping him is because I wanted to give myself back the rest of this Summer but use him as much as I can to leisurely work until I stroll into my next opportunity. Which ever since I left I've been getting head hunted and offers have been flooding in. Life went from my hair is falling out to being so good in a matter of minutes, hours and one week in counting. Today is the first day of my second week strolling through my new life and it feels so fucking righteous that I could never go back. Even from the other side he's still trying to control me which is hilarious that he thinks he still has bargaining chips to work with. Not too mention with all of my terms I also negotiated an at least 43% pay rate hike as a fuck you because you never even finished my probation meeting conversation like you promised, or gave any of us benefits… Job descriptions… Respect…!

So glad I'm doing what I'm doing now and I'm putting myself, my health and my life above what I use to do instead of destroy my person and who I am just to stay where I'm working for the sake of my resume and a measly paycheck.

PS Don't ever do what I am doing unless you've been prepping for it for at least a year before I walking out like I have. Even before I walked out with that year of prep I was already seeing the writing on the wall as soon as I was hired


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