
The only question I’ll be asking at the end, when I get the ‘ol “any questions for me?”

I have an interview in a few hours. I plan to ask “so, I gave my availability on my application, and you have specifically acknowledged said availability during this interview. Do you plan to actually make my schedules based around that availability? Or are you just pretending it's all good, and as soon as I accept the job, you'll just do whatever the hell you want, like everyone else?” Fine… fine. I'm not going to phrase it like that, exactly. Nor will I tell them that the very first time they schedule me for even a single day outside of the availability I gave them, I will simply stop showing up. You're a part-time, minimum-wage job with no benefits. There're plenty more where you came from.

I have an interview in a few hours. I plan to ask “so, I gave my availability on my application, and you have specifically acknowledged said availability during this interview. Do you plan to actually make my schedules based around that availability? Or are you just pretending it's all good, and as soon as I accept the job, you'll just do whatever the hell you want, like everyone else?”

Fine… fine. I'm not going to phrase it like that, exactly. Nor will I tell them that the very first time they schedule me for even a single day outside of the availability I gave them, I will simply stop showing up. You're a part-time, minimum-wage job with no benefits. There're plenty more where you came from.

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