I have done a fair amount of job hopping in the last two years, a lot of it related to being assaulted and harassed, and my employers not making an effort to keep me safe. I got an offer where the training pay was significantly higher than what I'm getting now. It was through my boyfriend's company. The person who wanted to bring me on board– let's call him Bill– made a big point of telling my boyfriend (unsolicited, mind you) how safety-conscious they are, etc. He told my BF the same amount of training pay as he told me, and other people around the office confirmed that number. I was pretty excited about the chance to pay off some debt I accumulated during my first attempt to get away from the creep.
So I quit my job Thursday (so long, boss who has chosen a deal over my safety twice now!), thinking I'd start training Monday (which was yesterday). Training was postponed until tomorrow. I got an email at about 3 that included a list of job duties. It also included the training pay… which is $1000 a week less than what Bill said it was. It's under half of what we were led to expect. There are also a lot of job responsibilities that make me uncomfortable and a deduction for materials that were never mentioned, and some of these were things I was assured wouldn't be included in the job description.
I am going in tomorrow to accept my pittance until I find something else, but I haven't cried this hard in a while.