If we really lived in a democracy the rich would be paying their share of taxes right now. I can promise you if we took a majority vote from the population that it would come out in favour of the rich paying the same 30% that you and me pay of our wages. If they did that, maybe it would take our average down from 30% to 10-15% maybe lower, who knows… that’s a lot more money in our individual pockets… if this was a true democracy we would have our way. There probably isn’t that many people out there who would say no to paying less in tax. No need to complicate it, let’s keep it simple. We all pay the standard 15% no matter what your wage is… it’s absolute BS that these big wigs aren’t contributing but they are still roaming around on OUR roads and taking advantage of OUR public services. I’m sure if the shoe was in the other foot and they had to slave away the rest of their lives that their opinion would be a lot more similar to ours. Enough of the shady tactics. No more fine print. Why do we let everything get so complicated when it’s such a simple solution?