
The ridiculous letter I was expected to sign because I called in sick for having a sore neck. Is this even legal? I had COVID earlier in the year and missed a week due to mandatory quarantining.

On Friday I texted in and went back to bed. Woke up to 3 missed calls and a message threatening/telling me not to come in Monday if I didn't call back within 10 minutes. Got the text hours later so obviously didn't. Got another call Monday telling me not to come in. Tuesday I phone in and confirm I'm supposed to be there, they tell me to clock in and go to the office for a meeting. The foreman presents me with this letter to sign and beg for my job back, apparently. I got upset at how ridiculous this is, expecting me to write a letter like I'm a child in elementary school. I didn't sign it, and they told me I'd be permanently suspended without pay, until management decided what to do. I assumed I was already terminated, but today I got a call telling me that they…

On Friday I texted in and went back to bed. Woke up to 3 missed calls and a message threatening/telling me not to come in Monday if I didn't call back within 10 minutes. Got the text hours later so obviously didn't. Got another call Monday telling me not to come in. Tuesday I phone in and confirm I'm supposed to be there, they tell me to clock in and go to the office for a meeting. The foreman presents me with this letter to sign and beg for my job back, apparently. I got upset at how ridiculous this is, expecting me to write a letter like I'm a child in elementary school. I didn't sign it, and they told me I'd be permanently suspended without pay, until management decided what to do. I assumed I was already terminated, but today I got a call telling me that they expect me to come in to work tomorrow, that I will be written up again for insubordination for refusing to sign the letter, that the letter still counts and they stand by it and expect me to follow it, and that if I don't show up to work tomorrow they will take it as I have quit. Just so that they don't have to pay a severance and I won't be able to collect EI. It's obvious that if I go back, they will just end up firing me for some bullshit reason.

The lead hand would back up the foreman on anything, even if it's blatantly false. Known gaslighters. Terrible management, the kind of managers that harass people over bathroom breaks, force everyone to stand around staring at the clock until the shift is over, even when there's nothing to do and you should be able to get changed out of your coveralls first.

As a bonus, on Monday another coworker called in sick. The foreman called and harassed him to come in to work sick, because they were apparently just too short-staffed because they had told me not to come in as punishment for having a sore neck Friday. They ended up being pressured to come in, and then leaving an hour into the shift after the foreman was gone, because they were sick and the whole situation is bullshit.

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