
The State of the American workforce

For many, work is fulfilling and rewarding, they may live on property outside the industrial power centers, outside the concrete zoos, with honest work and honest salary. Living a life armed with a strong, grand, family and gilded by the serenity of nature. For the vast majority of us, our work is a matter of survival, the difference between making that rent payment or staving off a bank which demands your life-force in totality. Work that is truly a modern incarnation of slavery, with headmasters that surveil even your lightest steps or thoughts, demanding your full allegiance and loyalty as if you were conscripted to hold off panzer divisions in the name of the company. They pry at their desired obedience of you the moment you encounter them, as if to see if you would roll over and heel on command. Those shadowed souls who type and scoff away at…

For many, work is fulfilling and rewarding, they may live on property outside the industrial power centers, outside the concrete zoos, with honest work and honest salary. Living a life armed with a strong, grand, family and gilded by the serenity of nature.

For the vast majority of us, our work is a matter of survival, the difference between making that rent payment or staving off a bank which demands your life-force in totality.

Work that is truly a modern incarnation of slavery, with headmasters that surveil even your lightest steps or thoughts, demanding your full allegiance and loyalty as if you were conscripted to hold off panzer divisions in the name of the company.

They pry at their desired obedience of you the moment you encounter them, as if to see if you would roll over and heel on command. Those shadowed souls who type and scoff away at your desperate struggle to merely fill your gas tank and hours later drive off into the sunset in a $50,000 SUV.

Make no mistake people, this modern gestapo they call “HR” or “Corporate” seek to squeeze every last drop of your essence out and utilize it with the utmost efficiency. This will only crescendo with time towards an inevitable livestock level of labor in return for the most basic of animal existence.

The only difference you will ever make will be to lose total faith and obedience to a rotten root that only seeks to pervade your life, only then when you stop ingratiating it’s accounts and stocks will this beast’s tyranny wane. Only then will we be in any position to dispute our methodical enslavement and disenfranchisement.

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