
The time has come for a Constituent Assembly

TL;DR: Incremental change is not enough anymore. America is suffocating and withering as we speak, and the more we wait, to “vote next election”, or for a change that “will come, trust me”, the more harm will be done by this evil minority. America needs a new start and a new system. It needs a new Constitution, drafted, planned and executed by its workers, and its workers alone. It's become abundantly clear that the constitution is more than just stagnating the country, it's causing actual harm to the people it's supposed to represent. All major issues America has had in the past 30 years, including the recent SCOTUS rulings, can be traced back to a constitution that enables a minority rule. There are technicalities and qualifications to that, of course, but they don't matter anymore. The fact is, the minority HAS. ALREADY. WON. The courts are packed, red states are…

TL;DR: Incremental change is not enough anymore. America is suffocating and withering as we speak, and the more we wait, to “vote next election”, or for a change that “will come, trust me”, the more harm will be done by this evil minority. America needs a new start and a new system. It needs a new Constitution, drafted, planned and executed by its workers, and its workers alone.

It's become abundantly clear that the constitution is more than just stagnating the country, it's causing actual harm to the people it's supposed to represent.

All major issues America has had in the past 30 years, including the recent SCOTUS rulings, can be traced back to a constitution that enables a minority rule. There are technicalities and qualifications to that, of course, but they don't matter anymore. The fact is, the minority HAS. ALREADY. WON. The courts are packed, red states are gerrymandered beyond repair, the electoral college is a gargantuan fraud, and the media is an oligopoly that plays in the minority's favor. It's too late to reverse all of that under current law (if the law even means anything anymore).

And, even if it was possible, it would take so long, and so much effort, that literal lives would be lost in the meantime. The environment would be destroyed. Class, racial, and gender equality would be annihilated. Plus, at the end of all that, the country would be left with the exact same structure that enabled the minority rule in the first place, and it would be only a matter of time until it rised to power again. Incremental change is simply not an option anymore.

In that case, what are alternatives do we have? There are two: drastic change, or take the beating. America has been taking the beating for some time now, but the situation has become so dire, that at this point the idea of drastic change is less harmful than keeping things as they are. Please take a moment to think seriously about that, and if you agree.

Assuming the answer is 'yes', what drastic changes are even there to take? It is my belief that anything more than a massive political push for a Constituent Assembly, spearheaded by the working class, along with students, academics, and the poorer segments, would result in unpredictable disasters ranging from needless violence to an all out civil war. On the other hand, however, anything less would not be enough, since we're already losing, which will only get worse, and faster.

We are living a critical point in American history. It's painfully obvious that something is about to happen. We just don't know what, yet. Well, I say we take matters into our own hands, and dictate what's about to happen, instead of passively waiting for an unknown imposed by the upper class. My proposal is straightforward: to push hard for a Constituent Assembly. Let's start anew, with a clean slate, and write a modern constitution designed to represent the people, not a small, rich and white minority.

Thank you.

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