
The time I quit bc they didn’t care my mother in law was literally dying.

Back in 2015 my mother in law was on her last leg due to brain liver and lung cancer after beating breast cancer twice. (She was only 37) I was working midnights at a gas station down the street and had been scheduled 45 days in a row because they had no one else, didn’t agree to that but I love money so I didn’t mind. About halfway through the 45 days my mother in law was definitely nearing the end and had a seizure due to the brain tumors. My now husband and his dad drove her to the hospital so I stayed home with his little sisters who were 11 and 6 at the time. I called the gas station and the owner happened to be there (his son worked days) I explained how I couldn’t come in because my mother in law had just had seizures from…

Back in 2015 my mother in law was on her last leg due to brain liver and lung cancer after beating breast cancer twice. (She was only 37)

I was working midnights at a gas station down the street and had been scheduled 45 days in a row because they had no one else, didn’t agree to that but I love money so I didn’t mind.

About halfway through the 45 days my mother in law was definitely nearing the end and had a seizure due to the brain tumors. My now husband and his dad drove her to the hospital so I stayed home with his little sisters who were 11 and 6 at the time.

I called the gas station and the owner happened to be there (his son worked days) I explained how I couldn’t come in because my mother in law had just had seizures from her cancer and was quiet literally possibly dying.

The owner started screaming at me “well my son will die if I he’s has to work twice in one day”

They were from Yemen and really had little regard for women. Not saying all people from there do, just the hardcore vibes they gave constantly as I had been robbed twice on one month and still left me alone at night.

Safe to say I never went back. It’s not my fault you have 4 employees asshole.

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