
The Worlds Gone Mad. A Short Story.

Once upon a time, I, like many of you were children. This was a great time of joy, laughter and thoughtlessness. During this time we laughed and loved without a care in the world. Everything we needed was provided. We were told fantastical ideas of the things we could do, the things we could become and the stars we could reach for. The adults before us instilled us with a passion and curiosity for a world so vast and beautiful. They instilled us with determination and aspirations, but upon growing older, we’ve come to see the deceit in their words. A promise empty passed down. Once we had dreams of being astronauts, pilots, race car drivers, fire trucks. The list goes on, but tell me when did the delusion turn to the reality we live? The nine to five rules our day, the capital rules our week, and the material…

Once upon a time, I, like many of you were children. This was a great time of joy, laughter and thoughtlessness. During this time we laughed and loved without a care in the world. Everything we needed was provided. We were told fantastical ideas of the things we could do, the things we could become and the stars we could reach for.

The adults before us instilled us with a passion and curiosity for a world so vast and beautiful. They instilled us with determination and aspirations, but upon growing older, we’ve come to see the deceit in their words. A promise empty passed down. Once we had dreams of being astronauts, pilots, race car drivers, fire trucks. The list goes on, but tell me when did the delusion turn to the reality we live?

The nine to five rules our day, the capital rules our week, and the material rules our life. When did we change? Why did we change? Why do we all, together, choose this as our society? It breaks my mind thinking about it. The average person is unhappy and broke.

We work for the people that have money. This system doesn’t work and seemingly no one around me cares. To earn enough money to be happy? What an insane concept, you must hold something of no value to live care free? It is a crazy enough concept to begin with, but now it’s going out of spiral.

There were once times we lived in community’s with people who cared and wanted to help you find work. Now everyone is for themselves. Stuck in the rat race that is. I ask the people around me and they say “That’s just how the world works.” I say no, it’s how our corrupted society works. A society the majority of us hate. You work your whole life in some lifeless job with a pension at seventy. Everyone complains but why are we not on the streets.

We’re in a time that people can switch genders with a finger snap. Claim to be animals as their gender? Men with men women with women. I am okay with these things, do what makes you happy, but when I say I don’t want to work a 9 to 5 my whole life or some lifeless job with no end goals or even say I don’t give a fuck about a stupid currency or that I disagree with a clearly flawed system I’m the crazy one?

It’s time we bring some heart back into life. Work needs to be reformed. The school systems that lead us into this type of society need reformed. It’s gone long enough, the world has gone mad enough. It’s time for normal people t to say how the world works. Not the minority with majority wealth.

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