
There should be a labor law where employees/workers are protected from Karens/Richards

“The customer is always right” While I do think management should care about our customers and clients since they are the ones bringing the money to the company (which is the harsh truth), it baffles me why do we not have this labor law where employees or workers are protected from customers who can be verbally, physically, and financially abusive especially people who worked at retail or customer service. I've seen tons of videos of workers being verbally abusive like cursing and saying rude words to workers to the point it is going overboard. Then you also have customers/clients being financially abusive by saying “Can I speak to your manager?” just to get some free sh*t or high discount even though workers/employees just committed a minimal error. Then the physically abusive ones are the worst. Sure they could be pressed charges but in all honesty does our labor law (depending…

“The customer is always right”

While I do think management should care about our customers and clients since they are the ones bringing the money to the company (which is the harsh truth), it baffles me why do we not have this labor law where employees or workers are protected from customers who can be verbally, physically, and financially abusive especially people who worked at retail or customer service.

I've seen tons of videos of workers being verbally abusive like cursing and saying rude words to workers to the point it is going overboard. Then you also have customers/clients being financially abusive by saying “Can I speak to your manager?” just to get some free sh*t or high discount even though workers/employees just committed a minimal error. Then the physically abusive ones are the worst. Sure they could be pressed charges but in all honesty does our labor law (depending on which country) take them seriously? A lot of Karens and Richards still do that.

If we had a specific labor law that protects workers like us, we wouldn't be experiencing customers who take advantages on us.

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