
There’s a class war going on right now, and it’s not the bourgeoisie against the workers

Different fractions of the bourgeoisie were always actively fighting against each other. When the workers gathered enough strength to fight them, that's when they united for their “greater good”, that of the destruction of that force, and a united bourgeoisie results in a fascist government. The democracy that is talked about so much today is not about the people's democracy being able to choose their leaders, but about the powerful being able to clash with each other about which fraction of them will have their policies implemented. And that doesn't happen every 4 years, it happens every day. But this has become increasingly evident, as a fraction has managed to amass pornographic amounts of wealth, and with the pandemic pushing this further, the other fractions have noticed and are joining together. We can see reflections of this, for example, the “meme fight” between Elon Musk against Google and Microsoft, Google…

Different fractions of the bourgeoisie were always actively fighting against each other. When the workers gathered enough strength to fight them, that's when they united for their “greater good”, that of the destruction of that force, and a united bourgeoisie results in a fascist government.

The democracy that is talked about so much today is not about the people's democracy being able to choose their leaders, but about the powerful being able to clash with each other about which fraction of them will have their policies implemented. And that doesn't happen every 4 years, it happens every day.

But this has become increasingly evident, as a fraction has managed to amass pornographic amounts of wealth, and with the pandemic pushing this further, the other fractions have noticed and are joining together. We can see reflections of this, for example, the “meme fight” between Elon Musk against Google and Microsoft, Google having bet more than 500 million dollars on Tesla's devaluation doesn't mean little.

But not only the technology sector is in this war, as time goes by, a fraction that fights against the financial system also manages to join more and more forces. We see this division of opinion among the wealthy regarding cryptocurrencies. Make no mistake, there is nothing positive about joining and using cryptocurrencies, but it is not about the environmental cost and practical uselessness of them that you will hear from the fraction that wants to prevent this, it is about the financial centrality, which helps this fraction. We also see this in the withdrawal of companies from the stock exchange. They don't do it because they don't believe in the financial market, but because they want to destroy and replace it.

The oil of our century is data, and the war for “mining” and storing massive population data is active and constant. No wonder China prohibits the operation of US large techs in its lands while creating competitors at the same level. No wonder one of Putin's first acts after the beginning of the war was to expel large data “miners” from their lands, they are protecting their assets, no wonder the United States and the European Union are banning chinese apps and telecom companies.

And the worst effects of this we see in the practical policies applied by governments, and the narrative dispute of state political power. Regardless of whether you are a Democrat or a Republican, neither faction is willing to hand over some of its power to the workers, neither side is willing to diminish the profits of its bosses.

The scenario is still blurred, we need more information and social studies to have a real idea of ​​the dispute they make as if they were gods fighting. It's not completely necessary for us to increase the power of those below, but it will certainly help to expose the innards they hide behind their walls.

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