
there’s a first time for everything

Got fired for the first time today, at almost 36 years old from my job of 11.5 years. My boss did me A FAVOR. I had been planning an escape in the near future, she just jump-started my planning process. Goodbye toxicity, walking on egg shells, hating it every day, stinky clientele I couldn't even take a vacation day without her calling me with a question. I hope she's having a fabulous time without me ️

Got fired for the first time today, at almost 36 years old from my job of 11.5 years. My boss did me A FAVOR. I had been planning an escape in the near future, she just jump-started my planning process.
Goodbye toxicity, walking on egg shells, hating it every day, stinky clientele
I couldn't even take a vacation day without her calling me with a question. I hope she's having a fabulous time without me ️

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