
There’s a glimmer of hope.

I had my 90 day review last week and it was a good one. Good enough for a raise of $ 1.00! I had left a really large battery manufacturer after 1 year of running a welder and 4 years doing Quality inspections. They manufacturer space batteries, such as on the Perseverance Rover, avionics batteries in various missile systems and medical devices, pacemakers and other things like that. They make lots and lots of money. I really liked the job and the people until the end when it got toxic. NO raises last year, I kept getting blocked from transferring, yes it happens, and then a person rotated into our department that no one in the rest of the company wanted and she started grinding on me hard for some reason as soon as she got there. And she outranked me so it really sucked. So I started looking and…

I had my 90 day review last week and it was a good one. Good enough for a raise of $ 1.00!

I had left a really large battery manufacturer after 1 year of running a welder and 4 years doing Quality inspections.
They manufacturer space batteries, such as on the Perseverance Rover, avionics batteries in various missile systems and medical devices, pacemakers and other things like that. They make lots and lots of money.
I really liked the job and the people until the end when it got toxic. NO raises last year, I kept getting blocked from transferring, yes it happens, and then a person rotated into our department that no one in the rest of the company wanted and she started grinding on me hard for some reason as soon as she got there. And she outranked me so it really sucked.

So I started looking and found a Quality job in my home town! When we bartered on money, they offered me .82 more cents, chump change I suppose, but I had to wait 90 days before insurance. I offered to take .18 cents off what I was making if I could get the insurance in 2 weeks. Family of 3 you know. The COO ended up giving me .32 more cents after checking with HR that they would make it happen.

I was commuting 90 miles round trip and had to leave really early to get there and got home really late I knew my savings in gas would more than make up for the few bucks difference to get in the door at the new place.

Now I'm 2 miles away and go home for lunch.

Apparently I'm so happy I'm rambling. Sorry if it's a little discombobulated.

TL/DR: I found a better job in my own town. I got more money to change jobs and I received a sweet raise after 90 days. And I'm saving money not commuting 90 miles a day.

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