
They are about to fire me for no reason

I’ve been hired recently and got 3 strikes within a 90day period. you get 11 total, but if you get over 3 you get fired and so they said if I get one more strike then I’m fired. The manager didn’t even fucking tell me that this was the policy until after I got my 3rd strike. My father is dealing with cancer and was in the hospital, so I had to call off one day and the other was because I showed up over 5min late one time. This is some absolute bullshit. They treat you like a fucking child and are willing to fire me over legitimate life situations. “We OnLy WaNt sErVaNtS wHo ObEy aLL oRdErs! nO eXcEpTiOnS!” I fucking hate it here, but I need this job. This POS don’t seem to understand that people have lives and situations that are beyond their control. Fuck petco…

I’ve been hired recently and got 3 strikes within a 90day period. you get 11 total, but if you get over 3 you get fired and so they said if I get one more strike then I’m fired. The manager didn’t even fucking tell me that this was the policy until after I got my 3rd strike. My father is dealing with cancer and was in the hospital, so I had to call off one day and the other was because I showed up over 5min late one time. This is some absolute bullshit. They treat you like a fucking child and are willing to fire me over legitimate life situations. “We OnLy WaNt sErVaNtS wHo ObEy aLL oRdErs! nO eXcEpTiOnS!” I fucking hate it here, but I need this job. This POS don’t seem to understand that people have lives and situations that are beyond their control. Fuck petco to the core.

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