
They hired someone above me

On mobile, couple of beers deep yada yada. When I left my old company for my new job it was like going from a Ferrari dealership to a sleazy used car lot with PLENTY of walking, talking examples of why a corporation cleans house when they acquire another company spoiler they didn’t. I knew this going in and needed a job because I was moving but one of the reasons I was brought on was because they wanted to be more like a Ferrari dealership. My immediate boss was promoted about 4 months in and my coworker who had been there for 8 years was promoted above me because he had been there for a long time and “earned a shot”. This guy is a complete fucking idiot – the first thing he did after his promotion was refinance his house and buy a brand new truck (that he couldn’t…

On mobile, couple of beers deep yada yada.

When I left my old company for my new job it was like going from a Ferrari dealership to a sleazy used car lot with PLENTY of walking, talking examples of why a corporation cleans house when they acquire another company spoiler they didn’t. I knew this going in and needed a job because I was moving but one of the reasons I was brought on was because they wanted to be more like a Ferrari dealership.

My immediate boss was promoted about 4 months in and my coworker who had been there for 8 years was promoted above me because he had been there for a long time and “earned a shot”. This guy is a complete fucking idiot – the first thing he did after his promotion was refinance his house and buy a brand new truck (that he couldn’t afford) with the cash and then request two weeks off during the busiest time of the year which for some reason was approved. I truly believe that he thought that the old boss did nothing all day and that he had it made.

He’s a decent guy and had been in this position longer than I had so I figured I’d give him a chance and see how it goes.

About a month in I discovered that he was doing a little creative accounting to hide his inability to do the job that he gets paid a lot more than me to do. The bosses assured me that they will handle it but can’t fire him this early as it will be bad for morale and they needed to give the appearance that they gave him a chance.

At this point I reached out to a few people and set up a few interviews when I didn’t see any progress in the ole “fire-the-dipshit” department and was offered a similar job for a lot more money. I didn’t really want this job but they wanted me (they still contact me asking if I have had a change of heart) and I let my current employer know about this. I asked them if they had a plan and if I would regret turning down this opportunity to which they said the plan was to push through our busy season and get rid of the idiot in June and that I would not regret my decision to stick it out. I got a 10% pay bump and figured that I would be getting the other 50% bump when I took over.

I put my head down, picked up the slack for my braindead boss and was absolutely killing it. I was doing his job for him and things were going well. The crew, realizing that he was completely useless began circumventing him and coming directly to me for instruction because I actually made decisions when they needed to be made and had a clue as to what was going on and what needed to be done.

This is the point when dummy decided that he should probably start putting more effort into his own job because I was a threat. He started trying to regain control and giving conflicting orders which the crew followed and I can’t blame them because he is technically the boss. He started coming in earlier and earlier until he finally started beating me in so he could give the marching orders before I could – he was always the last person in (even before his promotion) and was now showing up at 6am every day.

It felt like I was trying to bail out the titanic with a solo cup while half of the people were dumping water back in and the other half were drilling holes in the bottom.

I tried to maintain control and keep us on track for a while with increasing resistance and slumping morale and brought all of his idiotic decisions to the big bosses attention and said that I needed some help because I was still doing 100x as much work as my boss (I wish I was exaggerating but the numbers don’t lie) and I was starting to fall behind and balls were being dropped.

I got the “we just need to push through until June” and “we won’t let this fail, don’t worry speech” but no actual fucking help. Eventually I threw my hands up and said “fuck it” and let him drive it into the ground.

Things immediately fell to shit and the numbers and customer complaints clearly reflected it.

The problem with this is that up until that point, I had done basically everything and my name was attached to everything that this moron was fucking ruining (despite his best effort) and I am the one who looks like an incompetent imbecile because of something that I no longer had control over.

My increasingly frustrated and concerned emails continued to fall on deaf ears and I started applying for jobs again because I was not going to continue to work for a slack jawed moron.

Reaching my breaking point today I was venting to another manager who, since is he the big bosses pet, is privy to more information than I am. He let me know that they were going to transfer someone in from another branch above me and demote the idiot until he quits. I’m not supposed to tell anyone that I know this.

That’s my reward for dragging my fucking idiot bosses kicking and screaming useless ass across the finish line.

I’ve got several follow up interviews for jobs in a different industry and more money scheduled in the next week and am confident that I will get an offer. I am going to stick around to watch the inevitable meltdown by idiot man-baby and will quit on the spot and leave these scumbags high and dry – I’m the only one who can read the roadmap because I wrote it. If I’m feeling particularly generous I won’t write up a scathing diatribe to the big bosses bosses on my way out going further into detail about the shit above but I’m not feeling real friendly right now.

Fuck em.

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