
They just don’t care

A bit of a rant and moan because my Mrs doesn't need to hear anymore of my frustrations towards her current situation. Basically my Mrs works for a care company supporting vulnerable, disabled adults in the UK. The vast majority of her role is community based meaning she drives the service users to do activities and takes them out for food, shopping, etc. For the third time this year the company have refused to pay my Mrs her mileage which is now in the range of £400-500 as they have 'changed the date mileage forms need submitting'. This has happened 3 fucking times and they claim they've updated the policy documents which she, nor any of her colleagues have seen. Contacted Citizens advice but they've been of little use stating the company are within their rights to change these dates and if my Mrs can't prove she hasn't seen the…

A bit of a rant and moan because my Mrs doesn't need to hear anymore of my frustrations towards her current situation. Basically my Mrs works for a care company supporting vulnerable, disabled adults in the UK. The vast majority of her role is community based meaning she drives the service users to do activities and takes them out for food, shopping, etc. For the third time this year the company have refused to pay my Mrs her mileage which is now in the range of £400-500 as they have 'changed the date mileage forms need submitting'. This has happened 3 fucking times and they claim they've updated the policy documents which she, nor any of her colleagues have seen. Contacted Citizens advice but they've been of little use stating the company are within their rights to change these dates and if my Mrs can't prove she hasn't seen the policy then there's no claim against it.
My Mrs suffers with serious depression and anxiety and only does this job because the reward of helping others actually gives her a sense of validation and self worth. Her managers however don't give a shit about this as they have openly stated multiple times 'your mental health is not our priority'. One would assume their priority is the service users who are vulnerable, but to this company they are 'customers' there out of desire and not necessity. 'Customers' who have no other alternative for support and pay anywhere from £700-£1500 p/week! And they won't pay my Mrs £180 for her monthly mileage. To cap off, we're due to go on holiday in 3 weeks and were relying on her actually getting paid accurately to you know, afford to go… so now we must consider cancelling either the whole holiday or half the activities we planned last year as a result of their 'policy change'.
Sorry for the rant guys but I needed to get it out. I hope everyone out there in health and social care are better supported and managed than my Mrs is.

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