
they scheduled me for damn near 24 hours…

Hey, hey. So, I am at my wits end finally. I have been out of work for a week with bronchitis, which I have doctors' notes for. I was in the hospital for part of it due to an extremely difficult time breathing. I have been harassed to come in, regardless, and despite explaining over and over the amount of time I was signed out, they demanded I call in every day to talk to them. So, imagine my surprise when I got home from my extended stay at the hospital. They have me on the schedule for tomorrow from 7AM-3PM and then 7PM-7AM. Which, admittedly, I do have a four hour break. That is not enough time for me to come home or sleep, though, and I asked if I could have one shift or the other. I was denied, because they had to switch schedules to cover my…

Hey, hey.

So, I am at my wits end finally. I have been out of work for a week with bronchitis, which I have doctors' notes for. I was in the hospital for part of it due to an extremely difficult time breathing. I have been harassed to come in, regardless, and despite explaining over and over the amount of time I was signed out, they demanded I call in every day to talk to them.

So, imagine my surprise when I got home from my extended stay at the hospital. They have me on the schedule for tomorrow from 7AM-3PM and then 7PM-7AM. Which, admittedly, I do have a four hour break. That is not enough time for me to come home or sleep, though, and I asked if I could have one shift or the other. I was denied, because they had to switch schedules to cover my orientation absence. This schedule set is the only “time frames” they have available for me. (They also cut my hours drastically for the next few weeks, too, which is frustrating. Like, my usual assignments are 40 hours a week. I am lucky right now, for the next two weeks, to get 12 hours a week. The shift hasn't been updated since.)

I am just back in the job market. I have a half a mind to show up tomorrow to return my badge. I know I have skills and talents, as well as a degree, I can go anywhere. I am just… I am upset about how much strife this job has caused me in such a short period of time. I know I am exhausted, like the burn out kind of exhausted too. I hate healthcare.

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