
they’re putting work before my own health

hi, i'm new here, so here's a rant about how my work life is going: i'm 19, and since i'm out of college for the summer, i decided to get a part time job. i've had jobs before, they've sucked, but this takes the cake. work knows damn well i have a few health problems. so, twice i have nearly collapsed onto the ground while i was at my register. the first time i literally had to leave and sit down. they didn't let me leave immediately because they thought i would feel better. i didn't, and ended up leaving like 15 minutes later. that was about a month ago now. but the other day, it happened again, except it was truck day. they asked me to come in a bit early and, ever the people pleaser, i did. that day was a shitty mental health day, which was also…

hi, i'm new here, so here's a rant about how my work life is going:

i'm 19, and since i'm out of college for the summer, i decided to get a part time job. i've had jobs before, they've sucked, but this takes the cake.

work knows damn well i have a few health problems. so, twice i have nearly collapsed onto the ground while i was at my register. the first time i literally had to leave and sit down. they didn't let me leave immediately because they thought i would feel better. i didn't, and ended up leaving like 15 minutes later. that was about a month ago now.

but the other day, it happened again, except it was truck day. they asked me to come in a bit early and, ever the people pleaser, i did. that day was a shitty mental health day, which was also affecting my physical health. so, again, i nearly passed out. this time i literally couldn't move at all and had to get my sister to find my bosses because i physically couldn't, and tell them i had to leave.

so here i am, sitting on the floor in front of a pepsi fridge, then my sister comes back. she tells me my bosses got super sassy with her like “we just got the truck! they have to hold out for at least an hour!” and that was it. they wanted me to just… not pass out for an hour. we all know you can't just… do that.

i try my best. i have to sit down the entire time, while ringing up customers, while i'm immensely exhausted from what happened and still recovering. it wasn't until nearly three hours later they get done and tell me i can leave.

this is by far the worst job i've had to deal with. never have i had a job that puts WORK before my OWN HEALTH AND WELLBEING. i have another shift starting in an hour but i'm very tempted to just show up, give them the passive aggressive leaving note i wrote, and leave.

tl;dr my job doesn't give a shit about my health issues and wanted me to work despite me feeling horrible. they tell me to hold out for an hour and to not pass out but i don't leave until nearly three hours later, and they were being super salty and passive aggressive about it.

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