
Thinking of quitting.

I currently work as a Manager of Vehicle Services at a large national chain. Yesterday my area manager asked me to come into his office before heading to work for the day and told me he was thinking of moving me to another location in a somewhat lateral move. I would keep my pay rate but technically be demoted from Manager of Vehicle Services to Service Manager, ok whatever the titles don’t really matter too much. The real problem is that this location is further from my home so it would increase my already 40 minute commute by 10 minutes or so and be an extra 140 miles a week with no pay increase. I told him no last night he asked me to come have a chat this morning, I’m thinking he’s just going to continue trying to convince me to go. Nope he says it wasn’t really a…

I currently work as a Manager of Vehicle Services at a large national chain. Yesterday my area manager asked me to come into his office before heading to work for the day and told me he was thinking of moving me to another location in a somewhat lateral move. I would keep my pay rate but technically be demoted from Manager of Vehicle Services to Service Manager, ok whatever the titles don’t really matter too much. The real problem is that this location is further from my home so it would increase my already 40 minute commute by 10 minutes or so and be an extra 140 miles a week with no pay increase. I told him no last night he asked me to come have a chat this morning, I’m thinking he’s just going to continue trying to convince me to go. Nope he says it wasn’t really a question and that it’s either that or a straight up demotion. I talked with my store manager and he is not in favor of this and doesn’t believe it is warranted, that I can develop what the AM thinks I need to develop in my current roll. I feel it is unjust and want to quit but I don’t want the uncertainty of not having something lined up. Idk what to do.

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