
This Forum Helped Me Stand Up To My Landlord

“I can pay rent on the day my Social Security check hits.” “No ma'am, you can't.” “What? Yes I can. There's a law saying so.” “No ma'am, there's not.” “What? Yes there is, I know my rights as a disabled tenant.” “Well send us the law and we'll show it to our lawyer.” “Here's an article linking to the court case.” “Well, we can't remove some of these fees.” “What would my rent have been on the first?” “$995.” “I paid you $995.” “Yes, but we can't remove those fees.” “Then you'd better figure it out, because otherwise it's discriminatory. I'm sorry I couldn't do a Reasonable Accommodation request FAST enough for you, but I assumed YOU KNEW MY RIGHTS. And I was busy figuring out my mail services, my utilities, my trash, because you guys didn't tell me fucking anything about the unit when I moved in. So yeah,…

“I can pay rent on the day my Social Security check hits.”

“No ma'am, you can't.”

“What? Yes I can. There's a law saying so.”

“No ma'am, there's not.”

“What? Yes there is, I know my rights as a disabled tenant.”

“Well send us the law and we'll show it to our lawyer.”

“Here's an article linking to the court case.”

“Well, we can't remove some of these fees.”

“What would my rent have been on the first?”


“I paid you $995.”

“Yes, but we can't remove those fees.”

“Then you'd better figure it out, because otherwise it's discriminatory. I'm sorry I couldn't do a Reasonable Accommodation request FAST enough for you, but I assumed YOU KNEW MY RIGHTS. And I was busy figuring out my mail services, my utilities, my trash, because you guys didn't tell me fucking anything about the unit when I moved in. So yeah, your inability to remove those fees isn't cosmic law, I'm sure you can do it. I paid an option fee for this?”

God I wish I hadn't paid that option fee. I didn't know any better. But it feels good to stand up.

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